9月20日,雨花台中学国际高中澳大利亚交换生团队受邀赴Blacktown市政厅,参加中澳友好城市建交仪式.会上,雨中国高学生作为中方学生代表发言,并有四位学生担任升旗手。![【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式 【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式]()
雨中国高G11A3班Jay Wang全英文发言
雨中国高G11A3班Jay Wang同学作为中方学生代表发言。Jay Wang从澳洲印象、寄宿家庭、学校教育等方面分享了此次交换生旅程的独特经历,“这是一个难得又特殊的机遇让我能在市政厅进行一次发言,这是我的荣幸,感谢老师和同学们对我的信任。虽然准备时间较短,上台前自己也很紧张,但想到这是一个代表中国形象的事情,发言时的我就更加坚定了信念,功夫不负有心人,我最终完美地完成了这次发言,并在此相识很多外国友人。”
![【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式 【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式]()
除了作为中方学生代表发言外,在升旗仪式环节,雨中国高四位同学Steven Yao、Ann Wang、Lucy Fang、Peter Wang 还共同担任中方升旗手,与澳洲学生共同升起象征着中澳友谊长青的国旗。
——Steven Yao
——Peter Wang
![【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式 【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式]()
——Ann Wang
——Lucy Fang
![【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式 【雨中国际部交换生】雨中国高澳洲交换生团队受邀参加中澳友城建交仪式]()
附:雨中国高学生Jay Wang 英文发言稿
Good evening, everyone, my name is Jay. I come from international department, Yuhutai High School, Nanjing, China. Today I'm going to talk about my experience here. Unlike most of my Chinese peers who have interests in America, I, however, always want to visit Australia. Its physical as well as cultural beauty has attracted me since I was little. I would like to share with you some of my unique experiences of this trip and there are several aspects I will elaborate on.
When I arrived Sydney about 10 days ago, I felt very cold but it was clean everywhere. When I first met my homestay I felt a little bit nervous because they had a very big dog. My homestay family is very kind and helpful. She help me with a lot things like sorting out my clothes and how to be a friend with the dog. The first day in Mitchell High school I was very shy, however, the students here were very enthusiasm, they all want to be good friends with me. Several days later, I became a very optimistic boy in school and I became a family member. What's more, the Australia historical buildings like the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney towel are really spectacular. Not only the buildings, people here are warm hearted. When I asked the way to some places, they not only told me the way but also bring me there which is fantastic. What impressed me most is the difference between China and Australia. In Australia classes, we can discuss freely, and they do not need to stay at school all day. Another difference is that the shopping center here will close at 5pm except Thursday so we come home early while in China the shopping center will open till 10pm, so we can have some activities in the night. And I really enjoy both kinds of lifestyles.
Finally, I believe the way of teaching in Australia is very developed and student-centered. I, as a student from China, find it particularly attractive that. I have made my mind that I wil pursue a bachelor degree in one of Australian universities. And l hope China and Australia will achieve a better cooperation in the future
That's all. Thanks you very much for listening.