In order to ensure the high teaching quality and continuity of American high school education in Nanjing, this program is monitoring by superintendent of California Crosspoint Academy. We aim to offer a comprehensive and rigid top American high school curriculum to students in China. After Nanjing Crosspoint student did exchange visit to CCA during the winter vacation, we have welcomed the superintendent and his crew from CCA in April 16, 2019 for the inspection and have deep communication with our students and parents.
为了切实保证南京汇点高品质、连续性的优质美高教育, 南京汇点由加州汇点直接监督管理,为中国学生提供全面、严格的顶级美国高中课程项目。继寒假期间南京汇点师生赴美国加州汇点中学交流访问后,4月16-17日,南京汇点迎来了来自美国加州汇点中学的校长一行人,接受美国加州汇点校方的飞行检查,并与家长、学生们开展了深入的交流。
在近一学年的办学过程中,雨中国高藤校班取得了可喜的成绩,三位学生被斯坦福大学夏校、约翰霍普金斯天才夏校录取,截至目前,共有11人参加托福首考,全部取得90+的好成绩,4人取得100+成绩,1人110+成绩,赢得了社会各界的认可与赞誉。在此次飞行检查中,美国加州、中国南京两校的教师、学生、家长进行了深入的沟通交流,美国汇点校监一行与汇点(南京)管理团队就教学、学生管理、课程管理等方面进行深入沟通与探讨, 美国汇点校监一行对汇点(南京)严谨的教学作风、高质量的办学水平给予了高度肯定。
美国汇点高中(南京)执行校长Dr .DiMattei
美国加州汇点中学校监Robin Hom
美国加州汇点中学作为一所以学术著称的蓝带学校,其校友遍布以哈佛、耶鲁为首的常春藤大学。在与藤校班家长的沟通中,美国加州汇点中学校监Robin Hom与藤校班家长就“进入世界顶尖大学之前需要做的准备”的话题展开了深入的探讨,细致解析了大学希望看到怎样的申请者、美国高等教育的四种形式、如何选择大学等内容,为家长们带来了详尽、专业的高中学习指导,让家长对未来孩子在美国的生活与学习,更有信心与准备。
“汇点(南京)是与美国的姐妹学校 - 加州汇点合作建立,我们共同努力,确保我们的学生获得最高质量的美国教育,并确保教育符合CCA的学术标准、课程和文凭要求。”据汇点(南京)执行校长Dr .DiMattei介绍说到,目前,藤校班所有的学生都符合CCA标准和要求,甚至有些同学水平更高。在本次飞行检查中,不仅是加州汇点高中校方来我校进行实地检查,同时也有一批加州汇点高中品学兼优的学生代表一同来访,与藤校班学生进行了直接、深度的交流,进一步提升了藤校班学子的国际交往能力,更可以通过与美国同龄优秀学生的互动借鉴中进一步提升自己。
Strong sense of unification within different colors of people, is what the six students from CCA revealed about American culture, and the difference of it from Chinese culture. Unlike most of the Chinese students who study and live with people just like them with yellow skin not having the opportunity to experience the truly existing blending cultures in American society, we were so lucky that we learnt what it is just like in America from the six students after the trip. All the way down, we led them around to the City Wall, Lao Men Dong, Confucius Temple and many other great places of interest. Those are really good places to visit, though all the streets we passed were crowded and full of people. Even so, every happy face tells how we feel about not specifically the delicious, distinct food of Nanjing, the profound history of Nanjing, but in a bigger picture, the entire travelling this time. Although we have only become friends for two days and our dear guests have just left, I am looking forward to see them next time as soon as possible.
In Ming Tomb, We saw some words on the wall and we realized that these words may be a good thing to mention for Brandon. We said that the purpose of carving these words is that next emperor can find the workers who built the tomb more easily. The next emperor will kill these workers if he found something wrong on these tomb. Brandon looked very surprised and he thought that these emperors were very ridiculous and crucial. He thought that everyone should be independent and have freedom. We laughed and explained to him that these rules of ancient China and these rules also have advantages . At that time, no workers had brave to do rough works, which makes these tomb can be saved until now and we can know the ancient culture more easily. Brandon felt astonished about it.
—— Yolanda